Energy & Environment M&A expertise
The Energy & Environment sector is a vast area of businesses various sizes, from large incumbent utilities to innovative start-ups, through a variety of local midsize groups and SMEs. In a market that is quickly evolving, under the pressure from citizen opinions, companies pledges for carbon-neutral policies or regulatory constraints, there is a clear need for consolidation, investment and corporate developments.
The submarkets included in this industry group encompasses production players, retailers and, services providers at various stages of the value chain in an economy that is becoming more circular. We assist them acquire deep expertise on how markets are evolving, technological awareness and ability to understand the movement across the various sub-industries.
Dans ce marché florissant, où les notions de responsabilité et d’impact d’entreprise sont à présent dominantes, nous proposons des conseils en M&A et en levée de fonds, en interagissant quotidiennement avec des acteurs majeurs, des fonds à impact, des coopérations interentreprises, des entrepreneurs et leurs écosystèmes.