Our History

Translink CF France is a benchmark independent M&A advisor, 100% dedicated to M&A, LBO and fundraising operations in the Smidcaps segment with a strong cross-border dimension.

Founded by 4 entrepreneurs under 30, the advice we provide to our clients is based on:
An ENTREPRENEURIAL spirit since its foundation
HANDS-ON associates
An INTERNATIONAL FOOTPRINT applied to small and lower midcaps

As one of the first investment banking boutiques executing cross-border M&A between European countries and also with the US, Translink Corporate Finance has been a leader in the field since 1972. In five decades, we have developed a truly global footprint and very strong local presence through robust teams. The ideas of our founder, Dr Roland Schucht, underpin everything that we do and imbue us with a unique culture and shared values.

“We get the deal done” en nouant des relations qui comptent. Nos associés aspirent à vous procurer une expérience des opérations de haut de bilan unique dans laquelle nous collaborons avec vous à chacune des étapes.

Our History

Translink CF France is a benchmark independent M&A advisor, 100% dedicated to M&A, LBO and fundraising operations in the Smidcaps segment with a strong cross-border dimension.

Founded by 4 entrepreneurs under 30, the advice we provide to our clients is based on:
An ENTREPRENEURIAL spirit since its foundation
HANDS-ON associates
An INTERNATIONAL FOOTPRINT applied to small and lower midcaps

As one of the first investment banking boutiques executing cross-border M&A between European countries and also with the US, Translink Corporate Finance has been a leader in the field since 1972. In five decades, we have developed a truly global footprint and very strong local presence through robust teams. The ideas of our founder, Dr Roland Schucht, underpin everything that we do and imbue us with a unique culture and shared values.

“We get the deal done” en nouant des relations qui comptent. Nos associés aspirent à vous procurer une expérience des opérations de haut de bilan unique dans laquelle nous collaborons avec vous à chacune des étapes

Our Values

Chez Translink Corporate Finance France, nous sommes fiers d’incarner nos valeurs, enracinées dans l’ADN de notre société :








